Intel has unveiled its 2008-2009 Intel China corporate social responsibility report as part of its overall global report.
The report, which is said to be the first that has been compiled by Intel based on a strict standard, covers Intel's endeavors over the last year in education, environmental protection, community contributions, work place and supply chain management. In addition it describes Intel's management strategies and company governance philosophy.
Ge Jun, the managing director of Intel China, said that the report was completed by strictly following the G3 sustainable development report guideline from the Global Reporting Initiative, which makes the report more transparent and precise. Ge added that Intel China piloted the report format this time and it is expected that it will be followed by Intel operations in other regions. Ge also stated that Intel would adopt these strict standards for the CSR report of all its global operations next year.
The report shows that Intel's social responsibility initiatives in China are closely related to the IT industry. Ge commented that CSR is more than money donation and instead it is a trend for CSR to be closely linked to a company's main business. However, Ge disagreed that a company should link CSR investment with its revenue. He said that Intel has been investing in CSR initiatives despite the global financial crisis.
Intel has been publishing reports on environmental, health and safety issues since 1994. Itbegan to release an annual CSR report in 2001.