Thirty-one institutions in Hong Kong have signed an agreement to turn off decorative outdoor lighting and signs on 570 buildings before midnight.
These institutions include Sino Group, Linkreit, and New World Group. Of these, Sino Group has taken a lead in signing with 95 of its affiliated buildings to join the program. Linkreit mobilized its 180 affiliated properties to respond to the call and will add a new clause on its new release contract after June 21. In addition, New World Group has also asked 120,000 of its residential clients and businesses to respond to the call.
The environment body that initiated this program says that all these participating institutions will keep their word on switching off these lights every night.
According to Hong Kong media, the parties have promised to turn off lighting signs and lamps facing residential buildings by no later than 11pm every night and switch off those that are in non residential areas by no later than midnight.